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How Much Does a Franchise Consultant Make?

How Much Does a Franchise Consultant Make?

A franchise consultant is someone who helps a potential franchisee open a new franchise, or a franchisor expand their business. Sometimes it can be a very time-consuming job, depending on the client. For example, the franchise consultant for someplace like Pizza Hut...
How to Obtain a Business Broker License

How to Obtain a Business Broker License

One of the most common questions we’re asked by potential franchisees is what they’ll need to do about licensing – in other words, how to get your business broker license. In short, the answer is pretty simple: You don’t. There isn’t actually such a thing as a “broker...
What Is a Business Broker’s Job Like?

What Is a Business Broker’s Job Like?

What Is a Business Broker? A business broker is essentially a mediator for business deals. When it comes to brokering businesses, there’s a bit of nuance involved to help both parties. Business brokers are the middle ground between business owners looking to sell...