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Working from Home and Running a Business: Does it Really Work?


Although working in a traditional office space is becoming less and less common, many businesses still haven’t embraced the changing trends in the workforce. Everything is going digital, and Transworld is assisting the movement. Becoming a business broker and owning a Transworld franchise does not necessarily mean having a store in order to be successful.

If owning a franchise seems like a lot to manage along with home obligations, whatever they may be, Transworld offers a solution to those who can’t seem to do both: working from home. If you can maintain the same level of professionalism and communication in your own home as in an office, working from home can work for you.

Here are some facts about owning a Transworld franchise and how working from home works to run a Transworld business.

Lower Cost

Because Transworld doesn’t require a storefront or an office, that means there isn’t necessarily a cost for equipment, rent, and other expenses offices entail. The franchise can also be run by a single owner, which eliminates paying employees. All that is a mandatory amount is the investment and franchise fee, and Transworld offers assistance if needed.

Working from home opens up a lot of freedoms, and although not required, many franchisees do invest in private offices to maintain professionalism for clients. Creating a professional space will make working from home as a franchisee much more apt for success.

Same Training and Support

Regardless of if you work from home or have an office, Transworld offers the same training and support for all their franchisees. Our two-week program has extensive hands-on training in an actual Transworld and we offer our franchisees unwavering support throughout their franchise’s entire life.

Schedule Flexibility

Transworld franchises allow flexibility in time, schedule, and location for franchisees. We allow family to come first, as well as other obligations outside of business brokerage. Transworld has embraced the evolving digital world and we clearly outline that all that is minimally required for a franchise is a phone and a computer for online communications.

Transworld has made working from home possible. Although not every business has converted to creating a business model that is feasible to work from home, we are paving the way by allowing franchisees the opportunity and flexibility to adapt a business to their own lives. As long as the same level of professionalism can be upheld in your home as in an office, Transworld supports you being a franchisee without the hassle of a traditional office.

For more information about Transworld franchises and how you can join the team, reach out to us!

Transworld from Start to Finish