The United Franchise Group (UFG), comprised of a variety of award-winning brands and franchise development services, is pleased to announce its selection as one of the 2017 South Florida Business Journal’s (SFBJ) 2017 Fast 50 winners. The award recognizes the 50 fastest-growing private companies in South Florida, ranked by revenue growth percentage over the last 1-2 years. The awards ceremony honoring companies included on the list will take place Thursday, August 17 at Jungle Island in Miami. Fully Promoted was ranked #86, Signarama at #142, Transworld was ranked at #188, and SuperGreen Solutions at #190.
Headquartered in West Palm Beach, UFG’s franchise brands include some of the world’s largest industry-leading names. The franchise concepts initially specialized in personalized business services including signs, promotional apparel & products, sustainability solutions and business brokerage. The company has experienced tremendous growth with its Experimac brand, with more than 100 locations already open. The company’s most recent brand acquisition expanded its business to include the food industry with the addition of sandwich restaurant Jon Smith Subs to its menu of brands late last year. The company has also added a shared workspace concept and a CPA-based tax preparation business.
“We’re extremely pleased to be included on this list,” said UFG CEO Ray Titus. “We have continued to expand our franchise offerings and business development services through organic growth, strategic acquisitions and joint ventures, assisting with business expansion and international growth activities. This recognition is a welcome validation of our continued success.”
UFG has been in the franchising industry for 30 years, has over 1,400 franchisees, and conducts business in more than 80 countries. The company has established master license partnerships in more than 50 countries, and assists other franchise companies from the point of conception to international expansion and also includes a franchise real estate brand. UFG’s Florida headquarters offers a superior state-of-the-art training facility, where new franchisees start their journey into business ownership.
About United Franchise Group
Led by CEO Ray Titus, United Franchise Group is home to a variety of internationally recognized brands including Signarama, Fully Promoted, Experimac, Jon Smith Subs, Venture X, SuperGreen Solutions, Transworld Business Advisors and Paramount Tax. With over three decades in the franchising industry and more than 1400 franchisees throughout the world, United Franchise Group offers unprecedented leadership and solid business opportunities for entrepreneurs.